D.M.I.T or Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a biometric analysis of the fingerprints. DMIT technique has been developed by scientists and research experts from world renowned universities and it is based on knowledge from Genetics, Embryology, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Neuroscience. It’s a scientifically proven, most accurate and an advanced method for better understanding of an individual between the age range of 3 years to 60 years.
DMIT can be highly effective in exploring ones true inherent capacities and brain power. The distribution of brain and learning capacity of a child or an individual can be well recognized through this technique and hence it allows growth of the child or adult in the realm of his or her dominant intelligence so that the highest efficiency can be achieved easily.
Helps kids understand their strengths and weaknesses and work on them. One of the prime benefits of providing children with career counseling early in life is that it enables them to realize their fortes, thereby enabling parents to nurture their toddler in a healthy way further.
It can help in knowing inborn learning style and abilities of your child; discover hidden potential and talents that he or she possess, and understand his/her innate characteristics.DMIT enables parents to understand their child better, helping them to have an effective communication and offer the child with the appropriate learning habbits that suits childs inherent inclination and capacities.
It offers a comprehensive report about the inherent characteristic of an individual as well as gives a guideline on how a person can achieve maximum success in life. It also offers a way to understand ones true capacities, so that they can be driven in the right way to be turned into effective results. It also offers a thorough understanding of one’s personality, the level of multiple intelligence, brain dominance and preferred style of learning.
Pre-employment screening, Find the exact right person for your right job, Discover employees’ possibilities, maximizing efficiency & effectiveness ,Know your employee Leadership Style and qualities, Know your internal abilities your employee’s, Know your employee Personal Quotients IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ ,Know your employee Planning and delivery style, Develop an all star employees, Reorganize the employed pool for high productivity, Entrust your staff member who has got the most potential, Improve human resources & customer management more efficiently.